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33rd Annual Scientific Meeting proceedings
Date/Time: 30-11--0001 (00:00 - 00:00)
Comparative analysis of the visual field of 30° and 70° arthroscopes in canine hip arthroscopy:
a 3D printed model study
Trebacz PT1, Pawlik MP2, Barteczko AB3, Kurkowska AK2, Czopowicz MC1
1Institute of Veterinary Medicine, Warsaw University of Life sciences, Warsaw, Poland, 2Department of Biomaterials and Medical Devices Engineering, Faculty of Biomedical Engineering, Silesian University of Technology, Zabrze, Poland, 3Cabiomede Ltd, Kielce, Poland.
There have been no attempts in the veterinary literature to compare the visual fields of arthroscopes. To better understand the usefulness of existing arthroscopes, we performed image-mapping experiments to assess visual fields. The aim of this study was to quantify and compare visual fields obtained using 2.7 mm 30° and 70° arthroscopes during canine hip arthroscopy.
The canine hip joint models were developed from computed tomography scans of the pelvis and hind limbs of five large breed dogs without obvious hip pathology. The surface of the acetabulum and femoral head were embossed with a seamless 5x5mm texture of black and white tiles to a depth of 0.2mm. The result was a checkerboard pattern with each tile being 1x1mm in size. This pattern provides an important reference for understanding the spatial orientation and dimensions within the joint, which is essential for accurately assessing the field of view during arthroscopic procedures. Prior to arthroscopy, the femoral bones were fixed to the pelvis with a 1mm diameter double silicone cord in the form of a femoral head ligament substitute. Artificial joint capsules were created using kinesiologic tape, which provided good adhesion to the polymer model and elasticity to allow the joint movement and distraction required to perform hip arthroscopy.
The 70° scope has a wider field of view than the 30° scope.
In conclusion, the 70° scope may be more useful than the 30° scope in canine hip arthroscopy.
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