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33rd Annual Scientific Meeting proceedings
Date/Time: 30-11--0001 (00:00 - 00:00)
Surgical management of ectrodactyly with pancarpal arthrodesis and reconstruction podoplasty: 2 cases
Guthrie J*
Fitzpatrick Referrals, Eashing, United Kingdom.
To provide the first reported outcomes of ectrodactyly management via orthogonal plating pancarpal arthrodesis and reconstructive podoplasty in 2 dogs.
Patient 1: 11kg, 1 year old, Cocker Spaniel, arthrodesis performed with two orthogonal 2.0/2.7mm pancarpal plates (dorsal ulna to metacarpal 4, lateral ulna to metacarpal 5).
Patient 2: 31kg, 2 year old, Hungarian Wire Haired Vizsla, arthrodesis with dorsal 2.7/3.5mm pancarpal plate (radius and metacarpal 4 ) and medial 2.7mm LCP (radius and metacarpal 2). A distal radial osteotomy was also performed to correct torsional deformity and re-align the manus with the elbow.
Soft tissue reconstruction (fusion podoplasty) was performed in both patients to close the cleft and re-create the manus.
Both patients had significantly improved limb use following surgery. Mechanical lameness remained as a result of carpal immobilisation and the operated limbs were slightly shorter than the contralateral.
In patient 1; 4 year follow-up revealed no longterm complications.
In patient 2; there was some breakdown of the podoplasty that subsequently healed with conservative management. The medial plate became exposed 5 months post-surgery and was subsequently removed.
Pancarpal arthrodesis and reconstruction podoplasty can result in increased limb function in canine patients with ectrodactyly.
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