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33rd Annual Scientific Meeting proceedings
Date/Time: 30-11--0001 (00:00 - 00:00)
Treatment of stenotic nares in 31 brachycephalic cats by alavestibuloplasty (2017-2023)
Thouvenot Oudart ETO, Poncet CP*
CHV Frégis, Gentillt, France.
To describe the clinical implications of the brachycephalic syndrome in cats, describe the treatment of feline stenotic nares by alavestibuloplasty and report the short- and long-term results perceived by veterinarians and owners.
Medical records of cats presented to the CHV FREGIS hospital for stenotic nares from 2017 to 2023 were reviewed. Thirty-one cats treated by alavestibuloplasty were included. Information was extracted from medical records, including short-term follow-up results at the 2 weeks recheck examination. Long-term follow-up of > 6 months was evaluated via owner questionnaire. A pre-operative owner questionnaire was also filled out retrospectively. Depending on the severity and frequency of the respiratory clinical signs, a grade from 1 to 3 was attributed to animals pre- and postoperatively.
Clinical signs exhibited preoperatively were ocular discharge, nasal whistling, snoring and nasal discharge. Surgery was feasible in all cats, without peri-operative complications. Overall condition was improved in 84% of cats postoperatively and respiratory signs improved in all cats according to the veterinary recheck and postoperative owner questionnaire. Some clinical signs, linked to the brachycephalic conformation, persisted postoperatively, but did appear somewhat reduced in frequency.
Alavestibuloplasty was feasible in all cats and was associated with an improvement in respiratory signs and thrive. Although the etiology of cat brachycephalic syndrome varies from dogs, applying the same surgical method for stenotic nares presented a feasible and effective alternative to more complex cat-specific procedures.
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